Belajar CSS (lagi)

Ugh, baru sadar beberapa saat lalu kalau ternyata ada sedikit masalah pada theme wordpress ini. Ternyata kalau ganti paragraf, jarak antar paragrafnya tidak ada. Jadinya kalau menulis agak panjang jadi terlihat desak-desakan dan tidak ada jarak. Dari tadi berusaha membetulkan tapi kok susah sekali ya, ada yang bisa membantu ^_^?

Ya sudah deh, aku mau coba-coba dulu utak atik script css-nya 🙂


  1. im not a pro at css but i do have experience editing css markups.. i wanted to help out but from your css.. i already see a bottom margin…

    clear: both;
    width: 600px;
    font: 14px Trebuchet MS, Arial, serif;
    margin-bottom: 20px;

    that is from your css… maybe its up with ur plugins.. r u using any WYSIWYG plugins? the one i recommend is Real WYSIWYG from .. try it.. it also is a great intergration with Viper’s Video Quicktags from which i believe the best video insertion plugin for wordpress.. try it.. if u ur stuck at anything, u can always ask for my help..

    btw.. ive linked u up and im starting on building a link list.. ive been on hiatus before this for months and it really affects my pagerank.. now im trying to build it up once again.. 😀

  2. aliefmaksum /

    Thanks. I will check it soon.. 🙂

  3. Belajar PBW(Pemrograman Berbasis Web) Lagi dong lif 😀

  4. ini dia yg saya cari.. thanks for sharing..

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